Voyage of the August

Episode Four: Murder

Episode Summary

Content warning: Violence and racism. Sophia and Douglas's newfound friendship is interrupted by a run-in with the captain. Sophia overhears an argument between Maddox and Blackwall and is called upon to keep a secret.

Episode Notes

A tale of queer love and mutiny on the high seas! Tune into the Voyage of the August, a nine-episode serial radio drama chronicling the final voyage of a merchant ship bound for England in 1717, whose crew takes their fate into their own hands. The story centers around the August’s first mate, Robert Maddox, a well-respected officer with frustrated ambitions; Dr. Leon de Isla, a surgeon with an unhappy past who follows Maddox to sea for reasons of the heart; and Sophia Montague, the willful daughter of the shipping line’s owner. Exploring 18th century nautical culture, queer history, and shipboard conflict, this work of historical fiction will be be released in nine weekly installments starting August 1st, 2020. Find episodes weekly on our website and also on the Electric Lite Collective Youtube channel.

Follow us on tumblr and facebook to see more art, extras, and more.

Cast (in order of appearance)

Caraid O'Brien as the Intro Voiceover

Sebas Ward as Robert Maddox 

Tiz Rome as Leon Francesca de Isla and Harold Blackwall

Daniel Haas as Richard Montague

CJ Humphries as Ambrose Teague

Minna Gorry-Hines as Cecil Laurence

Ernie Alugas as James Douglas

Memphis Washington as Sophia Montague

Katie Faust-Little as Silvia Montague

Special thanks to Jim Wald, Will Ryan, and Ezekiel Baskin.

Voyage of the August is written, directed, and sound designed by Wynn MacKenzie and Sean French-Byrne, with shanties arranged and directed by Wynn MacKenzie and acoustic tracks written and performed by Sebas Ward. Sound effects courtesy of the community of 

Full Attributions:

“Light Footsteps” by kupp2 of

“FootstepsOnaDock.wav” by mmaruska of

“Heavy Footsteps.wav” by yadronoff of

“Door, Wooden, Close, A (H1).wav” by InspectorJ of

“Bottles Rattling.mp3” by marxbruder of

“Skull crack on porcelain tub” by swimignorantfire of

“Pickup or Set down glass bottle.wav” by nicklas3799 of

“struggle between two people.aif” by washout of

“Body falling to floor 2” by JakLocke of

“Fight - fighting men” by vedas of

Episode Transcription

Episode Four: Corruption

Intro music. 

The deck of the August. (Normal outdoor ship ambience.)

MADDOX: (shouting, more distantly, in his regular voice) Mr. Douglas! Escort Miss Sophia belowdecks directly. 

DOUGLAS: Aye sir. Directly. 

SOPHIA and DOUGLAS walk away from MADDOX, introducing themselves to each other and chatting. 

DOUGLAS: I’m called Douglas, miss. I’m a midshipman. Careful on these steps, here. 

The sounds of outside fade into (normal indoor ship ambience;) creaking wood and rope, the soft shush of water against the hull heard from inside. Their footsteps continue along a passageway.  

SOPHIA: Thank you, Mr. Douglas.  Have you been to sea long? 

DOUGLAS: Nay, this is my first voyage. I come from Quakers in Boston, and I worked the docks until I was old enough to sign on. 

SOPHIA: Maddox is a good man. I reckon he’s known me most of my life, now. 

DOUGLAS: How’s that? 

SOPHIA: My father’s Richard Montague. He owns this ship, and a few others. I’ve been entrusted to Mr Maddox’s care crossing the Atlantic more times than I can remember. 

DOUGLAS: (nervously) Oh! Miss Montague! I did not know-

SOPHIA: (quickly) No, please- it’s alright. I rather value my anonymity. 


DOUGLAS: (recovering) If you say so, miss. 

SOPHIA: I’m barely older than you, Mr Douglas, and indeed out of my element on the deck of a ship. Let that fact allay your anxieties, at least. 

DOUGLAS: (teasing nervously) Aye, that’s indeed a comfort. ‘Course, I’ve less to fear from pirates and robbers than you, miss. Here’s your door. 

SOPHIA: (confessing) Oh, it is such a bore to be confined to my cabin all the time. Mother and I do our utmost to be polite to each other, but even she may grate on my nerves after so many hours of retching. There are only so many books I could fit in my carpet-bag. 

Thunder, faintly, from the outside. 

DOUGLAS: If it please you, I could find a knife and some wood, for whittling. 

SOPHIA: Whittling? 

DOUGLAS: Carving bits of wood to pass the time. Mr Maddox says it’s good to occupy idle hands, lest they become the devil’s plaything. I could procure you a knife and some scraps from the carpenter’s, if it please you.

SOPHIA: (teasing) Wouldn’t you know, Mr Douglas, that our Maddox said those same words to me not ten minutes past. And thank you- it would please me so. 


BLACKWALL turns the corner suddenly. His footsteps can be heard- sharper than the rest of the crew, and more authoritative. 

DOUGLAS: (surprised, standing to attention) Captain, sir! 

BLACKWALL: (angry) What is the meaning of this?

SOPHIA: I beg your pardon, sir? 

BLACKWALL (addressing DOUGLAS) Have you no care for the honor of a young lady, midshipman? What designs do you have, being alone with her? 

DOUGLAS: (confused) Sir, it were nothing of the kind. Mr. Maddox said- 

BLACKWALL: (voice rising angrily) Mr. Maddox has nothing to do with this, boy. You dare speak back to your captain? 

SOPHIA: Captain- 

BLACKWALL: (simpering) And Miss Montague, have you no care for your good name? Your station demands you refrain from hanging about with... men like him. 

SOPHIA: (with iron) Excuse me, Captain. I have faith in the honesty of my father’s officers. I trust you would afford them the same privilege. 

SOPHIA: (in normal voice) Thank you, Mr Douglas, for escorting me, and good night. 

SOPHIA slams her door in the face of BLACKWALL and DOUGLAS. 


BLACKWALL: You’ll see the consequences of your impropriety, boy. 

BLACKWALL and DOUGLAS can be heard marching away from the door. We are inside SOPHIA’s cabin. 

SYLVIA: (faintly) Sophia, what is that commotion? Where have you been?

SOPHIA: (still angry but trying to control it) It’s nothing, Mother, I’m sorry for waking you. (Brusquely) Are you feeling any better? 

SYLVIA: Better?  (She laughs faintly, a little giddy, a little bitter)  Adrift.  On this big, black water.  I never understood how you could abide the ocean.  

SOPHIA: I’ve been crossing the ocean for half a decade.  We all learn to bear what we must, don’t we?

SYLVIA: Is that a quote of your father’s?  

SOPHIA: Something Mr. Maddox said.  

SYLVIA: Hardly better.  (with a shiver)  We might shake to pieces at any moment, you know. Can’t you feel it, the way the ship moves with every little wave?  And that man at the helm… the slightest shiver of his hands could send us tumbling over.

SOPHIA: (with the hint of the tone one uses with a small child) The crew know their business well.  Have faith.  

SYLVIA: Faith means precious little out of sight of land.

SOPHIA: You’ve always trusted the August with me, have you not?

SYLVIA: (with another bitter laugh) Petulance doesn’t suit you, dear. 

SOPHIA: Chin up, Mother. I’ll fetch you some tea from Cook to settle your nerves. 

Through the wall, the voices raise in pitch and intensity, (echoing the events of EPISODE 1.

SYLVIA: Be a dear and fetch me the laudanum too, won’t you.

SOPHIA: … There.  

SYLVIA: Run along, then.  Don’t spend too much time staring into the water.  I never found it good for the soul.

SOPHIA: ...I’ll be back directly. 

SOPHIA leaves the room, opening and closing the door with more care than before. As she walks down the passageway, the sound of voices can be heard more clearly, and she slows and stops to listen closer. The sound of BLACKWALL berating DOUGLAS can be heard. SOPHIA consciously decides not to investigate, and instead continues onwards to rap at the timbers near where COOK ABRAHAM spends most of his time. 

SOPHIA: Cook? Have you tea?

COOK: Aye, miss. I’ve just made hot water. 

SOPHIA: Thank you. 

COOK: Careful with that now, miss. Take my word, best return to your cabin- (pointed) though the sea now be calm, we’re in for a blow tonight. 

SOPHIA: (significant) I see. I appreciate the warning. 

SOPHIA takes the tin cup of tea and leaves COOK. While walking back to her cabin, the sound of raised voices again can be heard, more urgent and strained this time. Sophia’s footsteps slow and stop. 

SOPHIA: (to herself) Eavesdropping is no pastime for a young lady. 

A sharp, wild yell is heard. 

SOPHIA: (to herself) But at least with my ear to the wall, I’ll hear anyone coming. 

The raised voices come into focus. MADDOX and BLACKWALL are shouting themselves hoarse and interrupting each other angrily.

BLACKWALL: --no respect, no man on this ship knows his place--you’ve been planning to usurp me from the beginning--you and that damn bugger doctor--

MADDOX: I beg do not dispute my good name and judgment!--Montague trusts me to see his ship safe--

BLACKWALL: You’re as disgusting as the rest of them--as if half the men aboard this ship did not come from the loins of whores and bastards--

MADDOX: I trust any man aboard this ship be as honorable as any officer of your thrice-damned Navy--

BLACKWALL: You wanted the captaincy, didn’t you, and you want me dead just like your last captain. I bet you killed him. I bet the whole crew knows you did it-- 

MADDOX: (shocked and infuriated, losing all control) You’re insane, you’re fucking insane--I-

BLACKWALL: (suddenly quiet, maniacal) Ah, isn’t that it, I’m insane for seeing the corruption all around me, like gangrenous rot. There are no Christian men left on this vessel. There never were to begin with. You among them. You and your like will fucking hang for your perversions--hkrrkg--

The sounds of a violent scuffle can be heard. MADDOX yells once. SOPHIA gasps quietly, shocked. There is an awful sound of an object striking bone and a loud crunch, and the unmistakable thump of a limp body dropping to the floor. Silence for a beat. SOPHIA drops her cup of tea to the ground and steps away from the wall, struggling to contain a scream. 

The door of the captain’s cabin, which SOPHIA stands adjacent to, opens and closes and MADDOX steps out.

MADDOX: (almost hysterically) Sophia--Miss Montague.



MADDOX: (warning) No--I--Miss Sophia--

SOPHIA: (afraid, wary, but resolute) If you kill me, everyone will hang. No question. 


SOPHIA: And I forbid anyone to hang while both of us may yet preserve our honor. 

MADDOX: Yes. Yes. 

SOPHIA: We must think of an excuse, and quickly.

MADDOX: The captain’s d--ah, the captain’s taken ill. Yes. 

SOPHIA: Quickly, pick up the... body.

MADDOX: (quietly, intensely) We need- the doctor. He must be on our side. 


SOPHIA: I think I may be sick. 

MADDOX: (hysterical) Do it over the side of the ship, if you please. We scrub enough already, to be sure. 

SOPHIA: (weakly, struggling to maintain composure) Indeed. 

SOPHIA runs up the stairs to the deck, but before she can get there she runs into LEON and DOUGLAS. 

LEON: Miss Montague! Are you well? 

SOPHIA: (frantic, scattered) You’re the, uh, ship’s doctor, are you not? 

LEON: ...I am.

SOPHIA: Mr Maddox requires you, uh, directly, outside of the captain’s cabin. 

LEON: ...Very well, I shall put Mr Douglas away and attend to Maddox. Are you quite sure you’re alright? 

SOPHIA: (unconvincingly) Ah, yes, of course...yes..You know, I think I’m alright. Allow me to- accompany you. 

LEON: Alright, steady now, Mr Douglas, we’re almost there. Can you walk yourself to your hammock? 

DOUGLAS: I trust I may, sir. Mr Maddox requires you more. 

LEON: (joking) I suppose he must. Be careful, Mr Douglas, send a man if you worsen. 

DOUGLAS’ halting footsteps recede into the distance (of normal belowdecks ship ambience.) Thunder, briefly, but more distant and gentle than before.  

LEON: Miss Sophia, what is the matter? You look pale. 

SOPHIA: I think it is perhaps better if you see. Quickly, please. 

LEON and SOPHIA’s footsteps continue briefly, and then stop. LEON raps against the door of the captain’s cabin. 

SOPHIA: Maddox? Are you there?

MADDOX: (faintly) Sophia! Is Leon there? 

LEON: I’m here. 

MADDOX: Yes--uh, yes.

MADDOX opens the door. 

MADDOX: Sorry. Do come in. I have to talk to- both of you. 

LEON: What is going on? 

MADDOX: Come inside! 

LEON: Fine, fine--my God, man, what happened to the captain? 

SOPHIA: There was a- 

MADDOX: We had- there was a- I- 

LEON: (realizing) My God. Maddox. 

MADDOX: I know! Fuck!

LEON: What the hell were you thinking? Oh my God. 

SOPHIA: Doctor, this is no time for scolding. 

MADDOX: Is he…


LEON: The captain is dead. Not even I can fix a broken skull.

SOPHIA: Goodness.    

MADDOX: Fuck. Shit. Bugger. 

SOPHIA: (dryly) Indeed. 

MADDOX: (hysterical) My- apologies, Miss Sophia, please pardon my language-

SOPHIA: I think we’re far beyond that, Mr. Maddox. 

LEON: What happens now?  

MADDOX: We’re all going to be shot. Oh, fuck. 

SOPHIA: Pull yourself together. There is a way out of this. 

MADDOX: Leon...

LEON: Me and you. It’s alright. 

(Beat. Gay tender moment over the dead body of the captain.)

MADDOX takes a breath. 

MADDOX: Any road, there’s a storm almost on top of us. I must see to the ship and its crew. 

SOPHIA: I should return to my cabin before Mrs. Montague notices my absence. 

The door opens and closes as SOPHIA leaves, but lingers to eavesdrop on MADDOX and LEON. 



LEON: (sighing) A fine mess. 

MADDOX: I’ll tell the crew that the captain is taken ill. They won’t question that. 

LEON: Do that. Miss Sophia is right, we can find a way out of this later. 


MADDOX: (tender, intense) Leon…

LEON: (matching MADDOX’s tone) Nobody will hang for this. Not you, not I, not Douglas. Nobody. 


MADDOX sighs again. 

LEON: You’ll know where to find me. 

MADDOX: And you, me. 

SOPHIA ducks into her cabin, and the closing of a door is heard. 

MADDOX’s footsteps recede into the distance, and climb the stairs up abovedecks. Faintly we hear him calling to the crew. 

(Very muffled) 

MADDOX: Shorten stuns’l! Make it fast, afore this storm’s upon us! 

The sound of thunder, rain, and heavy waves drowns out the sounds of the ship. Outro music. 

“Fish in the Sea”